Sharon's Artistic Process

Allow me to take you step-by-step through the process of building a shot from a story; in this case, from my graphic novel, Transformers: A Simple Choice. (Watch the entire motion comic here on Facebook.) First I start with a rough drawing - though, the more technical the subject, the more detailed that 'rough' beginning often is:

Line drawing in pencil of character in mid-kick
There's a lot of energy and a strong line of action needed for Tutami's pose. After a few refinements, then inking and digital coloring...


Inked and colored version of same character in mid-kick
Switching the positions of her legs strengthened the 'thrust' of her flying kick, and made the line of action clearer. You can sense the movement without any other elements present. But we're not done yet...


Finished comic frame of character in mid-kick, with background
And now the finished shot, complete with background and the target of Tutami's kick - in this case, Galvatron. Digital painting adds a sense of mass and light source to the image. Music, sound effects and a quick camera effect give the motion comic version an even more compelling 'impact'.

Transformers: A Simple Choice is my finest work to date - but there's more to come! Could my next project involve one of yours?


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